
Displaying your medals and bibs

So after a great deal of scouring the internet, I have chosen my medal display.  I found several neat sights from http://www.alliedmedaldisplays.com/ which are neat medal hangers which can be made custom, to http://www.etsy.com/people/prettylovelypainting?ref=ls_profile which are handmade on etsy.  They are wooden with small hooks and you can add custom wording as well.  I also received a response from http://www.athleticdisplays.com/ and they do custom medals as well.

Here is my choice:  http://www.frameyourevent.com/  I opted for the custom design (with 7 hooks due to obsession- but hey that's another story) and I changed the phrase to say "It's all about the bling"  Here is what it looks like before my modifications.

My next dilemma was what to do with those bibs?  I found a solution from a fellow blogger and runner.  http://www.facebook.com/#!/monikaruns  It is a nifty little curtain wire from Ikea (only $5.99!) that she strung into the wall.  Thanks Monika for the great idea, can't wait to hang it!

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